NIH and NSF Grants for Medical Device Startups
From concept to commercialization, the cost of launching a startup can seem overwhelmingly high. This reality is especially true for medical device startups, which require more capital than most prior to going to market. Thankfully, organizations like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) can help ease the initial cap
Implementing Medical Device Cloud Security
Buy vs. Build decisions cover myriad security issues and needs. Medical devices are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives. As they proliferate, the “bonus feature” of connectivity is quickly becoming a “must have” attribute for commercial success. Cloud connectivity helps meet the following market necessities: Collecting patient “vital sign”
How to Benefit from the New Medical Device Ecosystem
The New Medical Device Ecosystem: A transformation is underway in the realm of medical devices and medical sensor platforms — changing traditional definitions and creating new opportunities. In this report on Sensor Platforms, Cloud Connectivity, and the New Medical Device Ecosystem, we’ll define what constitutes an ecosystem and how medical device
Galen Data Partnership Protects Homebound Seniors During COVID-19
Homebound seniors with balance issues will benefit during COVID-19 from a new partnership between Galen Data and Zibrio. It’s the latest example of how medical device companies can take advantage of secure, scalable cloud connectivity. The patented Zibrio SmartScale measures physical balance and uses AI to predict an individual’s likelihood of falling &
Telemedicine: Reaching Beyond Traditional Methods
How is telemedicine transforming beyond traditional applications? Here’s how data connectivity is powering a new wave of telemedicine use cases:
Understanding How Artificial Intelligence Is Being Applied to Medical Devices
How are emerging technologies such as AI impacting medical devices? Here, Keith C. Drake, Ph.D., analyzes where we’re at now and developments happening into the future:
How 5G is Impacting Connected Medical Technology
5G is set to change the landscape for medical technology. Here are a few of the developments we’re excited about:
3 Future Trends in Medical Technology
What does the future hold for medical technology? We examine three trends that are taking us forward: