BlogTop 5 Must-Attend Events for Medical Device Startups and Companies

Top 5 Must-Attend Events for Medical Device Startups and Companies

It’s mid-June, and Q3 is looming. You had every intention of attending a couple of conferences this year, yet, whether you are running a startup or your team is GTM-ready, life is busy!

Maybe you have FOMO from missing early May’s DeviceTalks Boston. You haven’t made it to any events for medical device startups, local MedTech forums, digital health or life sciences meetups.

Relax! You still have time to squeeze in a MedTech conference and networking in 2024.

Let’s look at the five can’t-miss upcoming events still on the books for 2024 for medical device startups and established companies.

The Importance of Events for Medical Device Startups

For medical device startups navigating the competitive landscape, attending industry events offers many benefits that can propel your company toward success. Here’s how these events can be a game-changer for your startup:

Networking Powerhouse: Industry events provide a unique platform to connect with a vast network of professionals. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with industry veterans, potential investors, collaborators, and fellow entrepreneurs. These connections can be invaluable for exchanging ideas, forging partnerships, and gaining valuable mentorship.

Knowledge Hub: Staying abreast of the latest advancements, regulatory changes, and market trends is crucial for any medical device startup. Industry events offer many educational opportunities through informative presentations, workshops, and panel discussions. Learn from leading experts, gain insights from real-world case studies, and stay ahead of the curve.

Gaining Visibility: Showcase your innovative medical device to a captivated audience of industry professionals. Events present a fantastic opportunity to generate buzz, attract potential investors or partners, and establish your brand as a key player in the medical technology landscape.

Financing Springboard: Many industry events feature dedicated pitching sessions or investor forums. This can be your golden opportunity to present your revolutionary device to investors seeking promising investment opportunities. A compelling presentation at the right event could be the key to securing the funding you need to take your startup to the next level.

Many industry events feature dedicated pitching sessions or investor forums. This can be your golden opportunity Share on X

Selecting the Right Conference for Your Advanced Medical Device Team

With such a diverse range of conferences available in North America, Europe, and Asia, choosing the right ones can seem daunting for American medical device companies. That’s where a little strategic planning comes in handy.

The obvious starting point is to consider the type of medical device you’re developing—a diagnostic tool, for example, will likely have different needs than a surgical robot.

Similarly, the stage of development matters. Early-stage startups might prioritize conferences with educational workshops, while later-stage companies may benefit more from events focused on networking with potential investors, venture partners, or regulatory officials.

For startups planning to enter the European market, staying informed about the ongoing “euro convergence” of medical device regulations (EU MDR) is crucial. Attending conferences focusing on European regulatory bodies can be a valuable way to network with relevant experts and prepare for navigating the evolving regulatory landscape.

Top 5 Events for Medical Device Startups

So let’s look at a diverse subset of conferences still on the books for 2024. Here’s a curated list of 5 top-notch medical device conferences for 2024, catering to various interests.

1. Machine Learning for Healthcare (ML4HC) 2024 (AI Focus)

Dates: August 16-17, 2024

Location: University of Toronto, Canada

Focus: This conference is a must-attend for startups looking to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their devices. ML4HC brings together leading researchers, developers, and clinicians to explore the latest advancements in AI for healthcare applications.

Target Audience: This event is ideal for founders and consultants with a strong interest in AI. Expect presentations and workshops on topics like deep learning in medical imaging, natural language processing for healthcare data analysis, and the ethical considerations of AI in medicine.

2. RAPS Convergence (Regulatory Focus)

Dates: September 17-19, 2024

Location: Long Beach, CA

Focus: RAPS Convergence is the premier event for anyone navigating the ever-evolving world of medical device regulations. This large-scale gathering attracts a diverse audience, including regulatory professionals, scientists, and innovators from all corners of the industry.

Target Audience: This conference is perfect for founders and consultants seeking comprehensive guidance on the regulatory landscape. Attendees will gain valuable insights from industry leaders, global regulatory bodies, and academic institutions. Expect in-depth discussions on compliance strategies, navigating regulatory hurdles, and staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing regulatory environment.

3. MedDev Day (Regulatory Focus)

Dates: October 7-8, 2024

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Focus: Similar to RAPS Convergence, MedDev Day offers a deep dive into the regulatory side. This event provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in regulations of medical devices, including in-vitro diagnostics and software.

Target Audience: This conference is ideal for founders and consultants seeking a European perspective on device regulations. Expect a mix of lectures, interviews, workshops, and networking opportunities with leading regulatory experts.

4. BIOMEDevice Silicon Valley (Biomedical Device Focus & Fundraising)

Dates: November 20-21, 2024

Location: Santa Clara, CA

Focus: Held in the heart of Silicon Valley, BIOMEDevice brings together the brightest minds in the biomedical device industry. This event showcases cutting-edge advancements, disruptive technologies, and emerging trends. Its proximity to venture capital hubs makes it an attractive option for startups seeking funding.

Target Audience: This conference caters to founders and consultants who want to stay current on the latest innovations in biomedical devices and explore potential funding opportunities. Expect demonstrations, presentations, and networking events with leading figures in the industry and potential investors.

5. MEDICA (Wide-Angle Focus)

Dates: November 11-14, 2024

Location: Düsseldorf, Germany

Focus: As one of the world’s largest medical B2B trade fairs, MEDICA offers a comprehensive overview of the entire medical technology industry. Over 5,300 exhibitors showcase various products and services, from medical imaging to mobile health to physiotherapy equipment.

Target Audience: This conference is ideal for founders and consultants seeking broad exposure to the med tech industry. Expect diverse exhibits, informative forums, and networking opportunities with a global audience of industry professionals.

What Events for Medical Device Startups and Companies Will You Attend?

Understanding the industry landscape, the latest regulations, and potential funding sources is crucial for the success of any medical device startup. Attending industry events can equip you with the knowledge, connections, and exposure to propel your innovative device forward.

Even so, industry events and networking are only part of the puzzle. In fact, you may leave a conference with more questions than answers, particularly where navigating the complexities of medical device data is concerned.

At Galen Data, we understand medical device startups’ unique hurdles in managing their data effectively. We can help.

Our secure and scalable cloud platform is specifically designed to address these challenges. Here’s how partnering with Galen Data can empower your medical device startup:

Schedule a call with us today to discuss your specific needs and see how Galen Data can help you store, manage, and secure your medical device data at scale. With Galen Data as your partner, you can confidently navigate the exciting world of medical device development and bring your groundbreaking ideas to life.

Medical Device Conference Checklist for Executives: Maximize Your ROI

Whether you are a founder, vice president, or researcher in the medical device industry, conferences can be a valuable source of insights, connections, and inspiration. But with limited time, making the most of your experience is crucial. Here’s a checklist to help you get the most from your conference participation:

Pre-Conference Prep (1 month before):

  • Team Collaboration: Gather your team’s input. Brainstorm and collectively define the top three goals for the conference.
  • Download the Conference App (if available):
  • Research Attendees and Exhibitors: Identify key people you want to connect with beforehand.
  • Review the Agenda: Prioritize sessions and workshops relevant to your goals and areas of interest.
  • Plan your Schedule: Block out dedicated time for attending targeted sessions, networking events, and booth visits. Try to schedule key meetings in advance.
  • Create a report template to keep you focused. You can drop notes into it while at the conference to finalize later.
  • Suggested template:
    • Conference Name & Dates:
    • Pre-Conference Goals: (List the 3 goals identified with your team)
    • Key Takeaways: Summarize the most valuable information learned, insights gained, and connections made.
    • Action Items: Outline specific next steps based on learnings (e.g., schedule a meeting with a potential partner, research a new technology further).
    • ROI Evaluation: Reflect on whether the conference is meeting your goals, or you can adjust for better results while you are there.

During the Conference:

  • Arrive Prepared: Bring business cards (paper or digital) and other company materials.
  • Organize Your Notes on the Fly: Use a note-taking system that works for you. Tools like Evernote, OneNote, or even the conference app itself can help capture key points and organize them by session or topic. Voice Memos can also record important points or quotes during sessions, and transcribe them later for a more detailed record.
  • Follow up with new connections promptly after the conference via email or LinkedIn.

Post-Conference Follow-up (1 week after):

  • Review Your Notes: Consolidate your learnings and identify key next steps.
  • Connect with Contacts: Follow up with new connections via email or LinkedIn. Personalize your message by mentioning specific points you discussed at the conference.
  • Share Your Conference Takeaways: Organize a short team meeting to share the report and what you learned at the conference. This keeps your team informed and motivated.

By following this checklist and utilizing these tips, you can ensure a productive and rewarding conference experience that benefits you and your medical device company.


The Galen Cloud

The ultimate solution for cloud-connected medical devices – fast, safe, powerful and easy to use, all at an incredibly attractive price.

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